14 Oct

My deepest apologies to the late Jimmy Buffet.   

We travel now to the homeport of the East Gulf Blockading Squadron, none other than Key West, Florida, the southernmost point in the continental US.   Key West remained in Union hands throughout the war.   It was an important port as it is roughly 100 miles from Havana, Cuba.

Havana although nominally neutral was a place for the Confederates to hide their ships from the Union Navy.   They also got supplies there.    Blockade runners could offload cotton and other goods.   On July 3, 1863 the Fort Henry captured the Confederate ship Emma making a run for Havana.   She was taken and sent along for disposition as a prize, along with the prisoners.   T

he Fort Henry served as the flagship for the blockade squadron after July 4th.  Although ported at Key West, operations ran all up the Florida coast, and covered all the keys (islands) off the coast.   Of course, there were never enough boats to go around to really seal off all the rivers, inlets, etc.    And the boats they did have were in less than tip top shape.   The Fort Henry was one of those in need of repair which limited her operations.   Perhaps why she became the flagship so she would not have to go anywhere.   She could be tied up at the dock and orders sent out from her.

About 60 miles west of Key West is a little island known then as the Tortugas.   Since this was even closer than Key West to Havana why not set up a squadron there to intercept ships.   Tortugas has one problem -- no potable water whatsoever.   All water must be brought in from elsewhere.   This however, did not stop the U.S. from building a fort there.   Fort Jefferson was finished just before the Civil War began. 

During the War it was used as a military prison.   Not for POWS but for US military sentenced by court martial.   Those held at the fort were actually sentenced to execution but President Lincoln commuted the sentences to to imprisonment at Fort Jefferson.   No water, beastly hot, and no escape.   The fort not only was on an island in the middle of nowhere, it was surrounded by a moat.  

No one was escaping from this Fort.    Ships sailed between Tortugas and Key West carrying supplies for the Fort and personnel.    Two ships were reported overdue on July 7, 1863 that were returning from Tortugas.   It was feared that the Confederate Navy rumored to be operating nearby had gotten them.  

Key West was as important part of the blockade efforts, even if stretched thin.   I think a research trip to Key West is indicated to find out more.   

Official Records of the Navy - East Gulf Blockading Squadron

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