14 Oct

On August 13, 1878, the USS Wabash was in the Boston Navy Yards, Captain Chandler commanding.   The weather was pleasant but hazy with a light breeze (Ship Log Ensign Daniels).   Although she was in the yards, military life went on.  

All hands were mustered at the early watch.   It was discovery that 3 men, Seaman William McBoland, Landsman Richard Carter and Landsman John Davis were absent without leave. (Ship Log Lt. Crocker).   A working party was sent over to another ship the Richmond, and returned around 11:30.  (Ship Log Crocker and Daniels).   The 2nd Division had small arms training.   The marines attached to the ship went ashore for a company drill.  (Ship Log Daniels).   

Since it was August, Congress was officially in recess.   But hearings were being held by the Potter committee into allegations surrounding the election of President Hayes.  (Baltime Sun, The Electoral Fraud Investigation, August 14, 1878) This day they heard from one William H. Roberts the associate editor of the New Orleans Times.   The influence of the paper to affect the outcome of the election was being questioned.  As a son of the South, with Reconstruction still stumbling along, Roberts and his newspaper wanted to sure of Hayes’ attitude towards the Soty.   It can be summed up that “he would do right by the South.”  (Id).   The witness stated that “he understood that if Louisiana and South Carolina were counted in for Hayes, the government of the States would be given to the democrats.  They acted on this assurance and the assurances were carried out.”   (Id). Sounds an awful like quid pro quo.  Support the Republican candidate for president and the Democrats would be free in their own states to undo any advances by minorities made under Reconstruction.   Hayes would effectively end Reconstruction during his term.

Meanwhile things were hopping overseas.   The Austro-Hungarian Empire were dealing with insurgents in Bosnia. General Phillipovich and the Grand Duke of Wurtemberg had linked up and were headed for Sarajevo.  (Baltimore Sun Telegraphic News:   Latest Foreign News August 14, 1878).    The Ottoman Empire had its hand in the area too.   It was believe that the Bosnians could not fight on for long, so a new commissioner was appointed one Mehemet Ali Pasha.  (Id).    The Cape Government of South Africa was also preparing for a war in their territory.  (Id).  

The Royal Navy had held a naval review in Portsmouth England which turned into a bit of a flop due to the weather.   Queen Victoria on board the royal yacht Victoria and Albert passed through the fleet of 24 ships made up of various types drawn up in line. (Id)  However, the weather prevented any evolutions by the ships.  (Id).    In better news, word of the various prizes handed out at the Paris Exhibition were being leaked.  The US did quite well receiving awards for quite a few industrial machines, among them steam engines, reapers, Edison’s telphone, watches, axes and even food stuffs. (Id)   Some of these exhibits had been brought over by the USS Constellation earlier that year.

Finally, in the more things change, the more they stay the same, the US Cabinet was proud to give approval to a new Universal Postal Treaty.  (Baltimore Sun, the New Universal Postal Treaty, August 14, 1878).   This treaty revised the 1874 Treaty of Berne regarding postal rates.   In the immutable nature of postal rates, it raised them. (Id)  It also raised the weight restrictions on commericla paper, given in both kilogrammes and pounds and ounces because the US is never ever going to adopt the metric system.  The US - besides the pounds and ounces part — had a special provision that let it sets its own rates for transcontinental mail.  

That’s the world, going on around the Wabash as she waited patiently in the Boston Navy Yard.

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